13 min read

Autoscaling AWS EC2.

"I am a soothsayer", he said !
"You know your fate then?", he was asked.
"I know that you know", the soothsayer replied.

Scaling resources in response to increasing needs can end up being a guessing game. Additionally, in days of yore, a human hand was consistently present, either wiring up new servers or turning on standby-units. Fortunately, AWS resources can be auto-scaled and in this article, we will look at how workloads on common AWS resources like EC2 instances, containers, and databases are scaled through out of the box automations.

Table of Contents

  1. Autoscaling 101
  2. Demo: EC2 Autoscaling
    1. Configuring the Security Group
    2. Launching a Template
    3. Creating the Auto Scaling Group
    4. Confirm EC2 Instances Initialized Properly
    5. Testing Auto Scaling Group
  3. Elastic Load Balancer in AWS
    1. Things to consider when determining type of Load Balancer to use
  4. Demo: Setting up an AWS Elastic Load Balancer
    1. Go to the Load Balancer Console in AWS
    2. Select the Application Load Balancer Type
    3. Set Name, Orientation and IP address family
    4. Configure Networking
    5. Attach a Security Group
    6. Configure Routing
    7. Create the ELB
    8. Connect the ELB to demo-asg
    9. Back to Load Balancer Console
    10. Test Load Balancer

Autoscaling 101

Autoscaling is the process of dynamically allocating resources (adding or removing) as per the need of the system.

Figure 1 gives examples of a situation where autoscaling is critically important.

Figure 1: A big name retailer sees a spike in their average response time/request (on the left without autoscaling) and a scale-up of instances to keep response time low (on the right with an Elastic Load Balancer)

On the left in Figure 1, the retailer has a Load Balancer which is divying up the traffic across different EC2 instances but eventually, around the Christmas break, traffic spikes to a point where static Load Balancing is not working as hoped. In cases like these, IT Ops are usually spending their Christmas weekends wiring up additional server boxes.

On the right in Figure 1, the retailer decided to use Elastic Load Balancers for auto-scaling their EC2 instances as needed (and also remove the additional EC2 instances when the December madness comes to an end).

Figure 2 provides another use case for autoscaling.

Figure 2: Servers going down can make processing really difficult and put undue stress on remaining resources. Elastic Load Balancing can spin up additional EC2 instances auto-magically and then spin them down when the stress has been mitigated.

On the left in Figure 2, the retailer has a Load Balancer which believes it has 3 EC2 instances running in the back ground but if 2 of the 3 instances are down, the Load Balancer is now forced to send all the traffic to the only active EC2 instance.

On the right in Figure 2, the retailer decided to use Elastic Load Balancers for auto-scaling their EC2 instances as needed, without having to spend human resources on fixing this problem.

AWS has 2 types of autoscaling services:
1- For EC2 instances, the autoscaling is called EC2 Autoscaling.
2- For other AWS services, like EMR, ECS, Databases, the autoscaling service is called Application Autoscaling.

Demo: EC2 Autoscaling

They say the proof of the pie is in the eating, and nothing gets more 'roll up our sleeves and dig in' then a demo.

For our demo, we will provision the following AWS resources:

Figure 3: Our demo's layout.

We will be using:

  1. 2 EC2 instances, both in different Availability Zones and different subnets.
  2. An AutoScaling Group for the 2 EC2 instances.
  3. A VPC.
  4. An Internet Gateway.
  5. An Elastic Load Balancer
  6. A Security Group, which allows SSH and HTTP, applied to both EC2 instances.

Step 1: Configuring the Security Group

  • Open the AWS EC2 Console and look for Security Groups in the left hand menu.
  • Click the Create security group button.
Figure 4: Configuring our demo Security Group.
It is extremely dangerous to allow all external IP's SSH access. We are doing this for the purpose of demonstrating Autoscaling Groups ONLY.

Step 2: Launching a Template

  • In the left hand list on the AWS EC2 Console, select the Launch Templates option.
  • Click the Create launch template button.
Figure 5: Enter information in text boxes labeled 1 and 2.
  • Select an AMI from any of those available through AWS. For this demo, we used the Quick Start list for our AMI.
Figure 6: Quick Start --> Amazon Linux --> Any Amazon Linux 2 AMI.
  • Choose t2.micro Instance type from the list of instance types.
Figure 7: t2.micro are sufficient for our demo and best of all, they are free to use.
  • Pick the SSH key to use from your list of available SSH keys.
Figure 8: Select the SSH key pair to use for tunneling into the EC2 instance.
  • Create a new network interface and attach the Security Group made in Step 1 to it.
Figure 9: New Interface, Enable Auto-assign public IP and set Security Groups to demo-sg.
  • Scroll all the way down to the User Data text box and enter the following script in it.
Figure 10: As this EC2 instance is launched, it will execute these commands to install and start an HTTP server.
  • Launch the template.
Figure 11: Successfully created Launch Template.
At this point, we have a template for our EC2 instances.

Step 3: Creating Auto Scaling Group.

  • Navigate back to the EC2 console.
  • Find the Auto Scaling Groups option in the left hand menu and click it.
  • The main console for Auto Scaling Groups will be displayed
Figure 12: The Auto Scaling Group main console.
  • Provide a name for this Auto Scaling Group and also select the Launch Template created in Step 2.
Figure 13: The Auto Scaling Group main console.
  • On the Choose Instance Launch Options page
Figure 14: Select a VPC and at least 2 subnets.
Depending upon the UI, you may be asked to Override Launch Template and add other types of EC2 instances. DON'T.
  • On the Configure advanced options page, select No load balancer and No VPC Lattice Service.
Figure 15: No load balancer or VPC Lattice service are needed right now.
  • For Health Checks, reduce the number of seconds between checks from 300 to 120.
  • On the next page (the Configure group size and scaling policies page), set Group size values.
Figure 16: Set Desired, Minimum and Maximum capacity for the Auto Scaling Group.
  • The Scaling Policies section is an important part of the set up.

Any scaling policy requires (1) a metric to track and (2) a target quantity which if reached triggers auto scaling. For our demo, we will choose Average CPU utilization and as soon as the CPU is 50% busy, we will initiate an auto scale.

Figure 17: Scale if Average CPU Utilization of an EC2 instance in the ASG reaches 50% of its max.
  • The pages that follow are optional and you can either enter values in them or not.
  • Finally on the review page, browse through the intended configuration before finally presing Create Auto Scaling Group.
Figure 18: ASG has been created and is configured as expected.
  • Click on the demo-asg name.
Figure 19: Click on demo-asg to investigate its metadata.
  • The details page shows 6 tabs. Click the one titled Instance management.
  • Note the instance Ids shown and then browse over to the EC2 console. The same EC2 instances will be shown there as well.
Figure 20: The EC2 instances generated by ASG are also listed in the EC2 instance console.

Step 4: Confirm EC2 Instances Initialized Properly.

Since we used the User Data block to pass in post initialization commands (e.g. install httpd module and enable it), our EC2 instances should be able to serve an HTML page and thus confirm the web server was correctly installed.

  • For one of the instances, copy the public IP address and paste into a browser. You should see a page confirming the web server is working.
Figure 21: httpd (Apache Web Server) was installed and is working.

Step 5: Testing Auto Scaling Group.

When setting up the scaling policy, we had:

  • Desired capacity (or EC2 instances running at any time): 2
  • Minimum capacity: 2
  • Maximum capacity: 4

At the moment, our desired capacity is being satisfied.

Figure 22: Desired Capacity of 2 EC2 instance is successfully fulfilled.

Test Case 1: Remove one of the instances.

Figure 23: Terminate one of the instances. For this test case, we selected demo-asg-1.
Figure 24: Instance is being shut down.

This is where the magic of auto scaling comes in. Even though we deleted an instance, the Auto Scaling Group (of which the deleted instance is a part) has clear instructions to always keep at least 2 EC2 instances running at all times, and we are not disappointed.

Figure 25: Easy go and easy come.

We can also confirm these events took place by visiting the Auto Scaling Group page and looking at the event log for demo-asg (under the Activity tab).

Figure 26: Events logged for demo-asg also confirm that an EC2 was stopped and a replacement was spun up.

Test Case 2: Increase load on the EC2 instances.

For this test case, we will ssh into one of the running EC2 instances and install a stress module. This module is used to mimic web traffic and will put pressure on the Auto Scale Group, resulting in the spinning up of 2 more EC2 instances (as directed by us when setting Maximum capacity) for a total of 4 running EC2's.

  • SSH into any one of the instances
  • Install the stress module using the commands below
sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel -y
sudo yum install stress -y

Before proceeding to stress the EC2 instance, confirm there are only 2 EC2 instances running.

Figure 27: Confirming only 2 EC2 instances are running pre-stress.
  • Initiate the stress test by using the following command
stress --cpu 8

This command will spawn 8 processes that will tax the CPU on this instance (and remember, we used the CPU utilization as our indicator for scaling).

Figure 28: Letting the hogs run wild.

After a while (it may take up to 10 mins, depending upon the AMI selected), additional EC2 instances will also spin up to push back on the stress being applied on one of its partners.

Figure 28: EC2 instances popping out of the wood works :)

We can also check the Activity tab on the Auto Scaling Groups console and will see events confirming scaling policy was applied.

Figure 29: EC2 instances popping out of the wood works :)
Once the test is complete and the stress module is stopped, expect the additional EC2 instances to die down slowwwwlllyyy.

Elastic Load Balancer in AWS.

A Load Balancer, in general, distributes incoming traffic to registered targets such as

  • EC2 Instances
  • Containers
  • Lambda Functions and others

The Elastic Load Balancer can have one of two orientations in AWS: Internet Facing OR Internal Facing.

Figure 30: Internet Facing Load Balancers pass traffic from the internet to a group of EC2 instances
Figure 31: Internal Facing Load Balancers will pass traffic between subnets.

Things to consider when determining type of Load Balancer to use.

Type of Load Balancer Application Load Balancer, Network Load Balancer or Gateway Load Balancer
Orientation Internet facing or Internal facing
Security Group Configuration Prevents unwanted protocol/IPs to access backend
Health Checks Rules out targets that are unhealthy
Target Group The Auto Scaling Group holding the EC2 targets (and where the Load Balancer sends traffic)

Demo: Setting up an AWS Elastic Load Balancer.

Let's put our hard money, inflation impacted money where our mouths are and set up an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) for our existing Auto Scaling Group.

Step 1: Go to the Load Balancer Console.

Load Balancers are an option on the left hand side of the EC2 console.

Figure 32: EC2 Left Hand Menu --> Load Balancer is towards the end of the list.

Step 2: Select the Application Load Balancer.

Figure 33: Select the Application Load Balancer option.

Step 3: Name the Load Balancer, choose its orientation and make it IPv4-ready.

Figure 34: Name it, orient it and make it IPv4 ready.

Step 4: Configure Networking.

Figure 35: Place the ELB in a public VPC and over 2 subnets.

Step 5: Attach a Security Group.

The same group used for individual EC2 instances earlier can be reused here.

Figure 36: Select demo-sg as the Security Group.

Step 6: Configure Routing.

Select the target group for the ELB. Unless one exists, a new one has to be created.

Figure 37: Configure routing by choosing a target group.

A new page (likely in a new tab) will open and list all the settings that need our attention.

Basic Configuration

Figure 38: (7) Instances (8)demo-elb-tg (9)HTTP and Port 80 (10) IPv4 (11) Public VPC (12) HTTP1

Health Checks

Any Load Balancer needs to know if a server in its target group is working fine. Using the Health Checks, such types of inspection are configured for an ELB.

Figure 39: We will only check health status for HTTP protocols.

Advanced Health Check Settings

Figure 40: Additional configurations for Health Checks.

(14) Traffic port: The port over which HTTP protocol will be checked and distributed.

(15) Healthy threshold: After an EC2 instance becomes unhealthy, it MUST have 5 consecutive successful health checks before it will be considered healthy.

(16) Unhealthy threshold: If a healthy instance has 2 consecutive health check failures, it will be considered unhealthy.

(17) Timeout: When the ELB sends a health check signal to an instance and does not receive a positive response in 5 seconds, it will mark the instance as being unhealthy.

(18) Interval: Once checked for health status, the ELB will wait for 30 seconds before sending another probe.

(19) Success codes: For a health check to be considered successful, ELB will look for the 200 OK status code.

We will not register any EC2 instances at this point since they are part of an Auto Scaling Group and can vary in number.

Step 7: Create the ELB.

Press the Create Elastic Load Balancer button.

We will now connect the ELB with our Auto Scaling Group (demo-asg).

Step 8: Attach the ELB to demo-asg.

Go to the Auto Scaling Group console, select demo-asg and from the drop down list on the top right of the screen, select Edit.

Figure 41: Edit demo-asg.

Step 9: Attach the ELB to demo-asg.

Scroll to the Load Balancer section and select the Load Balancer Type and the target group.

Figure 42: Select ELB type and Target group.

Step 10: Complete the process by going back to the page from Step 6.

Remember how we went to a different page to set up target groups? That page was completed in Step 9 but we still have to complete the Load Balancer set up.

Go back to the Load Balancer page and add the target group.

Figure 43: Back to where we started and now its time to complete the Load Balancer set up.

Press the Create Load Balancer button.

Step 11: Test Load Balancer

Figure 44: Copy DNS and paste in a browser.

Copy the DNS name value and paste in a browser. The page load should show the name of the instance that is serving the response to our request.

Figure 45: Load Balancer passes request to the instance name in the image.

Refresh the page and the name of the EC2 instance should change to the other instance's name.

I write to remember and if in the process, I can help someone learn about Containers, Orchestration (Docker Compose, Kubernetes), GitOps, DevSecOps, VR/AR, Architecture, and Data Management, that is just icing on the cake.